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For Media Publishers.


TV, Radio, Internet, Print (Newspapers, Magazines, etc.)


It’s all about the audience. You are publishing original and aggregated content and want to reach the maximum possible audience. Viewers translate into advertising sales and subscription revenue.

You would like to use the most powerful ways to grow your audience while you can. Using social media to leverage publicity and advertising campaigns is essential to cast a wider net and get the most bang for the buck.

While few people actually click on banner ads these days, one of the most powerful ways to engage audiences online is through contests.


The traditional contest entry is a simple form for entering a draw – it’s not social, focuses on the prize and lacks an exciting experience.

The past few years photo and video contests became very popular. With mobile proliferation uploading a photo or video became easy to do – it’s fun to submit original content and see what others submitted. Proud of their entries, participants naturally want to share it – for fun and to gain votes towards winning a prize. In doing so, they are also marketing the brand for free. This format has proven to work well in generating marketing results.

ComicReply is taking a step further beyond photo/video contests. With ComicReply you can empower your fans to create ‘fan-art’ remixes using your content assets and compete for the votes. A remix can be any combination of production images, videos, music, sound effects, character and prop images – mixed along with the participant’s photo, video, writing, drawing, audio-narration, and more – generating a wide variety of contest entries.


With so many possibilities, such Creative Contests have recently proven to be some of the most effective digital marketing campaigns and ComicReply is the first platform enabling content producers to easily run such advanced contests.

Each contest is made unique through:
* Different content assets
* Different contest themes 
* Different contest entries

That way Creative Contests stay fresh as every contest is different, with new entries to view and share.

Every entry is automatically tagged with text promoting your content production which helps with SEO.Every entry is another web page on your site, which is free content marketing for your production.

People love Internet memes but this is the first time there will be a ‘meme-creation’ contest using your content assets promoting your production – this makes it genuinely exciting for you audience and their friends to participate.

Using ComicReply your contest can be on the Web, as a Facebook App, and also launched as a Mobile App on iOS and Android. It can be available as an interactive kiosk at an event or other locations promoting your production (for example, a retail store could have a screen ready for people to create remixes on the spot and enter the contest).



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