Donut Design Contests at Coffee Shop Franchise

The Donut Design Contests invite customers to invent their own donut recipes. 

Note: This was not made by ComicReply – presented for commentary purpose only!

Over the past few years a popular coffee shop franchise has been running a brilliant creative contest that invites customers to play with ideas for new donuts. Using a digital editor fans select from a variety of ingredients including a base, filing, icing, designs, sprinkles, and toppings.

Donut_Design_ContestRecipe entries are named and published in a public gallery for viewing and voting. The most-voted entries move on to the next level where the top recipes are judged by professionals.

The national winning recipe is actually added to menu and available for purchase at store locations all across the country.

This is a perfect example of the power of social contests and especially creative contests, where the audience is invited to actually create something that relates to the brand.

Fans love to remix branded content and so when invited to ‘play’ with a brand’s content assets they are more than eager to participate.

This concept can be applied for any restaurant in various configurations. If you are interested in running such a contest then the ComicReply platform can save you a lot of time and headaches. The platform includes all of the features needed to run these types of ‘Object Remix Contests’. On the admin panel you can upload your branded content assets for participants to play with. The platform will cover around 80-90% of the requirements and our team can also customize it for your needs at reasonable rates and terms.

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Photo source: Pixabay



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Donut Design Contests at Coffee Shop Franchise
Article Name
Donut Design Contests at Coffee Shop Franchise
The Donut Design Contests invite customers to invent their own donut recipes. Over the past few years a popular coffee shop franchise has been running a brilliant creative contest that invites customers to play with ideas for new donuts. Using a digital editor fans select from a variety of ingredients including a base, filing, icing, designs, sprinkles, and toppings.
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ComicReply - Audience Engagement Platform // Social Media Contests
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